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Frontend Business Registration

In order for a user be able to create a business from the front end, he is required to sign up as a Business Owner:
After a successful sign up, the user will be redirected to “My Account” Page, where he will have the option to choose to “Create a Business“:
The user will be redirected to “My Business” Page where he can fill the following fields:

  • Business Name
  • Business Logo
  • Logo Background Color ( used in Recent Business Slider )
  • Description ( used on Business Single Wall Page )


  • About your Business
  • Business Slogan
  • Opening & Closing Time of the WeekDays ( can be left empty )
  • Business Address ( Building, Street, City)
  • Location ( one of Locations defined by Admin)
  • Additional Business Address Line
  • Two Phone Numbers
  • Two Email Addresses
  • Social Media Links
  • Business Category ( one of child Categories input by Admin )
  • Business Tags
  • Map Locations
  • Posts ( Statuses ) Default Comments ON/OFF (can be changed later for individual Posts
